Foster Parenting

As resource (foster) parents, the security and stability you bring to Oregon children and all of our communities is a great gift and special sacrifice. Not everyone has the courage and capacity for this act of love. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. At the same time, we know the road can be rocky. You need all the resources & supports you can find! Please reference our Adoptee & Foster Voices, Birth (First) Parent Grief & Loss, Celebrations, Holidays & Other Special Occasions, Couples & Caregiving, Discipline, Grief & Loss, Navigating Birth Family Relationships & Openness, Oregon Foster & Adoption Resources (local & national), Parent & Professional Care, Resource Parent Grief, Siblings, Single Parenting, Talking About Adoption, Foster Care & Other Hard Things, Talking About Race, Transracial Parenting & Cultural Diversity and Tribal Resource pages among many others for more resources.

Resource parents you are the experts; if there is a resource we should have listed, please let us know!

“Stretching to love and love well, even when it’s hard – especially when it’s hard – is what has given me the life that is mine.” ~ Oregon foster adoptive parent Jillana Goble, author of A Love-Stretched Life, available in ORPARC's library


All resource (foster) parents are welcome to use ORPARC's library, attend ORPARC trainings and search our support group list free of charge.

Oregon Foster Parent Bill of Rights

Oregon-Local Specific Sites

National Sites

National Foster Care Month Proclamation Guide

Recommended Books & Articles

Fostering-related Materials in ORPARC's library and DIGITAL library including No Sugar Coating: The Coffee Talk You Need About Foster Parenting by Oregon's own foster-adopt parent Jillana Goble.

ORPARC's Parenting Time: Strengthening & Preparing for Child-Parent Visits and Resource Parent Goodbyes & Grief packets, both available in ORPARC's library.

Culturally specific

Transitions - including Transitions-related Materials in ORPARC's library and more articles on our Resource Parent Grief page

Blogs & Support

Videos & Podcasts