We mobilize caregivers, connecting them to community supports that promote hope & healing for their children and youth.

“ORPARC has been a ray of sunshine in what has, at times, been a very difficult road...it is a huge relief to just have someone want to help.” ~Adoptive Parent

We serve you

Since our founding in 1999, ORPARC’s open dialogue with Oregon DHS, community partners, parents and youth themselves has deepened our responsiveness to the courageous voices of resource (foster), adoptive, guardianship and kinship families and their brave children statewide.

ORPARC is honored to serve:

  • Oregon DHS Adoptive & Assisted Guardianship families
  • Oregon Adoptive families of any kind (private, international/intercountry, etc.)
  • Oregon families who adopt through any state's child welfare system
  • Families who move to Oregon after adopting through any child welfare system or agency
  • Out-of-state families who adopt or become a state-assisted guardian for an Oregon child
  • Oregon Adult Adoptees
  • Oregon DHS workers
  • Community partners working directly with Oregon’s families & children
  • Oregon Resource (Foster) & Relative families through ORPARC's library, resources & trainings

Our approach

Assisting families on their lifelong journey...

Permanency is our priority. Connection is our cornerstone. Every child or youth who has spent time in the foster care system has an urgent and heightened need for family and a community’s unwavering commitment, whether through adoption, guardianship, kinship, kith or reunification.

Through information & referral; training & education; therapeutic listening; systems navigation; advocacy; and personalized parenting consultation, we explore a family or individual’s need and desire for short or long term confidential assistance.

We welcome all families!

Learn more about our larger agency's mission and values at Northwest Resource Associates.