Single Parenting

Single parenting can be an incredibly fulfilling way to build a family. While not always by choice (especially for kin caregivers), it can also simplify many aspects of parenting. At the same time, being a single resource, adoptive or guardianship parent requires greater preparation, support and self-care. Gather resources, accept help and build a solid support system! Please reference our Attachment, Grandparent, Relative & Kinship Caregivers, Grief & Loss, Infertility & Miscarriage Grief, Parent Care, Transracial Parenting & Cultural Diversity, and Trauma pages for more resources.

"I didn’t have a good childhood. Today, I choose to use those challenges and experiences to be a better, less reactive, more understanding dad who can support kids to navigate through their trauma." ~ Peter Mutabazi, foster alumni & adoptive parent - author in ORPARC's library


Recommended Books & Articles

Single parenting-related materials in ORPARC's library

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