All About Me

All About Me books honor children in care. They are a way to reiterate to every child who enters the foster care system that their story, perspective, culture and identity matter. Anchoring children in "the now" helps them to better process their past while embracing their future. ODHS Child Welfare has taken the bold and exciting step of adding All About Me books into procedure for all children experiencing care! ODHS is regularly training workers and caregivers in this creative tool that celebrates our state's children.

All About Me books are not meant to be fancy scrapbooks. They are simple, adaptable templates. Their value lies in the process of connecting with kids and giving them voice. Available in ORPARC's library!

If you are an adoptive or guardianship parent, or community partner, you are also encouraged and invited to bring All About Me books into your families and workplace. All About Me books help all of us to connect—or re-connect—with one another. Please reference our Life Story Work (with video!), Talking About Adoption, Foster Care & Other Hard Things, Talking About Race, and Transracial Parenting/Cultural Diversity pages for more resources.

"It is important that children are able to understand their present and feel anchored within a safe port before the visitation of the past." ~Richard Rose, 2017

Fun Resources

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HINT: All About Me books are not just for kids!


If you are an ODHS worker interested in All About Me, contact your colleagues Allie Fahsholz or Francine Florendo!

Success Stories

Curious about "All About Me"?

Email with questions & queries! Or, send us your completed All About Me book to be color-printed bound and mailed straight to you.