
The Color of Education 2020

Nov 19
Thursday, November 19, 2020 – 5:00pm
5:00pm - 6:30pm

Panelists will address some of the important issues facing our children within the education system, the inequities and the biases that exist today. In addition, we will tackle why Black boys are more likely than any other group to be placed in Special Education classes.

Our panelists will share what they see as some of the major challenges facing Black children in schools such as: the lack of cultural competency, the disparities in suspension rates for Black children compared to White students, and how our recent turn to remote learning has failed Black children in urban areas. We will also discuss strategies parents can use to set their child up for success in school and what they can do to ensure that teachers are setting appropriate expectations for their children.


Our Children: An Education and Empowerment Series is an initiative that began in 2016, and is so relevant, especially in this current climate. On July 30, 2020, The Cradle will launch the first in a series of webinars taking place over the next six months to promote honest and open dialogue about the realities of raising a Black boy in today’s world.


2020 Our Children 6-Webinar Series:

8/27 - From Black Boys to Black Men(And the Fear that Brings)
We will bring together a panel of Generation Z and Millennial males to discuss their transition from a young boy to a young man and the fear that brings to many people.

10/1 - Can You Hear Me Now? Black Adults Speak!
Panelists will share their thoughts on the recent acknowledgment of Juneteenth, the pros and cons of defunding the police, and Black men who are re-considering a career in law enforcement because of what is happening today.

10/29 - Raising Black Girls 2020
We will bring together a panel of parents to discuss issues prevalent to Black girls. Many of the challenges faced by Black boys are very similar to those Black girls face but are not often discussed.

11/19 - The Color of Education 2020
Panelists will share their perspectives regarding some major challenges facing Black children in schools such as: the lack of culturally competent teachers, the disparities in suspension rates for Black students compared to White students, and how our recent shift to remote learning has failed Black students in urban areas.

12/17 - Black Child | White Parent (What You Need to Know)
We will talk about what parents are doing to connect to their child’s culture and community and if they have significant relationships with adults within their child’s racial/ethnic groups. Finally, how parents respond to people who say “race is a non-issue”, “we don’t see color in this house” or “race doesn’t matter and all you need is love”.




Online Training

See description for registration instructions.