ORPARC private online groups

Besides ORPARC's 2 private Facebook groups featured below, please also note ORPARC colleague & trainer Isaac Etter's Transracial Parenting Q&A's sessions. Plus, explore our Support Groups page for many additional types of groups offered both locally and virtually.

"So grateful for this group - there aren't too many people out there who understand what this all means and how it impacts our lives." ~Parent, ORPARC online group member

Transracially parenting? Come THRIVE with Isaac Etter!

Transracially parenting ORPARC families are invited to join author-trainer & transracial adoptee Isaac Etter of Identity Learning for his FREE one year trial of monthly Thrive Q&As on Tuesdays with assorted guests. Click here to sign up!

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  • July 18 @ 5pm PST - black hair care discussion and q&a with black hair care trainer Terria Roushun
  • July 23 @ 5pm PST - mental health for adoptees with Isaac Etter (Cam Lee Small cannot attend after all)
  • August 13 @ 5pm PST - with transracial adoptive parent Julie Etter

All ORPARC transracially parenting families are eligible for a FREE copy of Isaac Etter's A Practical Guide to Transracial Adoption & hair guide - email orparc@nwresource.org to request yours now!

ORPARC private online parent support group

State adoptive & guardianship families, consider joining ORPARC’s private Facebook Peer to Peer parent support group. In an encouraging, safe setting, parents can celebrate their successes and share their challenges with each other, while supported by ORPARC Family Support Specialists.

Email Annie Denning-Hille, Family Support Specialist adenninghille@nwresource.org
for an invitation to join the private online parent group.

ORPARC LGBTQ+ private online parent support group

LGBTQ+ families are welcome to join ORPARC’s LGBTQ+ private Facebook Peer to Peer parent support group, a safe space exclusively for LGBTQ+ state adoptive & guardianship parents and supported by ORPARC Family Support Specialists.

Email Michael McGrorty, LGBTQ+ Resource Specialist mmcgrorty@nwresource.org or Annie Denning-Hille, Family Support Specialist adenninghille@nwresource.org for an invitation to join.