KEEP support groups

Are you as excited as we are? ORPARC adoptive & guardianship families now have KEEP groups available to them.

“Loved all the different ideas from both the KEEP program and all the other parents and how they do things in their homes.” ~ORPARC Parent KEEP Graduate, 2022

The KEEP program run by Oregon Social Learning Center Developments, Inc. (ODI) is an established, evidence-based support and skill-enhancement intervention that builds parental capacity while connecting families to peers. Through a partnership with ODHS, ORPARC & KEEP, state adoptive and guardianship families are the newest child welfare-related population that KEEP is now serving in Oregon.

KEEP groups are scheduled around the needs and availability of families! Email ORPARC now to request a spot so your family voice can be heard and counted. Learn more at KEEP or watch the KEEP video!

Please contact if interested! Current groups recruiting now for fall:

  • Parents of ages 4-12 Thursdays at 10am starting October 17
  • Parents of teens ages 12+ Thursdays at 6pm starting October 21

KEEP groups for adoptive & guardianship families are FREE:

  • 16 weekly, 90 minute virtual sessions
  • Gain valuable parenting tools
  • Connect with other peer families
  • $25 gift card/household for each session attended (earn up to $400!)

NOTE: KEEP groups are also available for resource (foster), kinship, Tribal, LGBTQ+ and Spanish speaking families! ¡Los grupos de KEEP también están disponibles en español!